Marvellous to think how interactive they are. Learnt a new term "Widgets".
I look at three wikis that were suggested and the difference was clear. Found 2 good ones and one not so user friendly. SCIPL was my first choice. the use of subject guides reminded me of directories, which I usually find cumbersome, however the guides worked. Was amazed to find that links included Credit card payments (just how BIG are their fines?), and Online Borrower Registration. Yes you did have to leave home to pick up your card! Glad to see the use of multilingual text on the site. Out of 5, I rated this wiki a 3. It was okay, and easy to use.
Wiki number 2-- Wisconsin Heritage Online-- boring!!! Hard to locate where to enter search term. Did manage a search using drop down box for Oshkosh and retrieve photos on the Main Street
The best was left to last. Yep, it got a 5/5! Book Lovers Wiki-- very easy to navigate, good links. I did a search for Lisa Scottoline, was taken to Mysteries writers, quickly figured that entries were alphabetically by title, found the review. A click on the title took me back to entries on the catalogue. Decided this might be useful for Reader Advisory stuff, so did a RSS feed!-- would not have been able to do that two weeks ago!!
Wonderful stuff-- just waiting for the secret key.
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