Monday, March 24, 2008

Serene Sea Dragons

Yes! Old librarians can learn new tricks! I have successfully managed to upload, sorry "embed", a short video from YouTube. I can see how YouTube would engage the younger generations and appeal to them when learning. However, somebody still has to take the time and effort in putting the video together in the first place.
I am becoming a little concerned about Web2. The interaction that is taking place remains very "singular", yes you can edit posts, edit wikis, etc, but discussion remains isolated if people do not leave their keyboards, (even if they stay at their keyboards, just check the participants roll to see how many comments have been posted to actual blogs)Yes the technology is excellent and can be used in libraries, but what about the social side? the personal interaction.
Have yet to watch all the videos suggested as my machine is to slow, will add more comments then
27/3/2008-- Have watched the videos advertising the library and it's services. While the clients were recording and doing the publicising, it was worth noting that they were in the actual library, using library resources and library "live" staff. The university library was being promoted as a place where reference staff were there to physically guide, instruct and educate, and help. So while the 'net is good and valuable, nothing beats the interaction between client and staff

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