Friday, March 7, 2008

DragonLady Reminisces

Years ago, in the 1970's, libraries used card catalogues( remember all that filing?), used date/stamp pencils, had paper files etc. Back then, I remembered thinking "thank heavens I am leaving before computers come in".
Well I was very young then and very naive. Many years later, I returned to work and worked in a small Branch library, where we were required to back up data every night, had basic computer operations, and no Web access. Even then, little did I imagine that one day I would be teaching clients how to use the Internet, or problem solve with our library management system.
Still further down the track, there have been more upgrades, new systems, and yet still we have ways to go. I'm glad to be part of this new learning experience and look forward to all the challenges. However, nothing beats the interaction with library clients. I think with Web2 is it easy to remain in touch, yet still isolated.
I look at my kids and their technology gadgets, their mobile phones and how they have upgraded to new mobiles with additional features, have changed their "walkmans" for ipods, and wonder just where things will be in a year or so. All very exciting, especially if Mum can keep up with them

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